Our Process

  • You will receive a email with a link directing you to your unique Product Selection form.
  • You can start filling out this interactive form anytime during the process, using the brochures below to guide you. The form can be saved and returned to as many times as necessary.
  • Our project coordinators will be in contact to help you with the form and to answer any questions you might have.
  • You will also have the option to make a showroom appointment for tile, counter, and backsplash selections.
  • Once your selections are complete submit your form for our team to review.
  • You will then be presented your final design and selections to approve.
  • If you have questions at anytime, reach out to our team at renovation@pjhussey.com or call 602-786-9121



Click through the images for inspiration!


Click through the images for inspiration!


Click through the images for inspiration!


Click through the images for inspiration!